Virtual Tour/Gallery
The following thumbnails represent a growing collection of stills from
video and camera depictions of the natural beauty of the nature found
in the Wildlife Sanctuary.
The following stills aren't professional photography, just some efforts
to share, via the scanned photograph, the beauty of what a couple of
amateurs can find when immersed in Nature's beauty. So we ask you, the
discerning surfer, to bear with us, and perhaps enjoy yourselves.
The following images have been divided up into two sections, pictures
from video, and pictures from camera. In general, the pictures from camera,
(ie, the scanned photos) are of much higher quality, but are also much
larger. The average file size is 100k a picture, so please be prepared for
a bit of a download, but also be prepared to be impressed!
Note that another page has been added to this, and another page on top
of that...
Images from Video
A most remarkable duck that flew in a couple years back.
Here's a thumbnail of the Ranger's home.
Here we have the Ranger checking out a Beaver dam.
A flash of light on the pond.
Another big flash of light on the water.
Bubbles that mysteriously formed during a rainstorm.
A butterfly finally held still long enough to be photographed.
Images from Scan
Japanese bamboo introduced into the area via landfill.
One of the ranger's favorite flowers.
An annual attraction - geese that nest every spring.
Some of the beautiful foliage - lady ferns, in this case.
A great horned owl that flew in and out for a while. A friend.
Where 'My Creek' runs into Portage Creek, during high water season.
One of the prominent landmarks - an old growth cedar tree.
A small saw-whet owl - resident for about 4 years.
The beauty of an early morning sunrise, reflected off of the pond.
A unique design for an observation deck.
A work crew, on break. They're floating on a raft in the pond.
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